State budget

Cuts are on the table – we need your voice!

Lawmakers have just a few weeks to finalize the state budget and cuts are a growing reality.

Gov. Gavin Newsom recently issued his revised budget proposal. If approved, UC’s budget will be reduced by $137 million, and possibly more the following year. Our biggest concern is the potential impact to enrollment, affordability of a UC education, and overall student success.

But it’s not over yet! Your voice has the power to make a difference for all UC students. Join us in urging lawmakers to protect UC’s funding!

As the legislature debates the budget, lawmakers need to hear from our community. UCAN makes it quick and easy to share your views with state representatives. Just enter your name and contact information, and you will email your elected representatives. Feel free to revise the message to give it a personal touch.

Grassroots advocacy is a proven strategy – but it works best in numbers. Offices log every email. The more emails an office receives, the more likely it is our voice is elevated in discussions and decision-making. Your voice has the power to make a difference!

Thank you for standing up for UC and working with us to strive for a better California together.